How Some Schools are Embracing a Hybrid Approach to Distance Learning

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  The COVID-19 pandemic caused schools across the country to close their doors and pivot to a remote learning platform that kept students safer at home while still allowing their teachers to lead them in classroom instruction. Through platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, and Google Classroom, educators were still able to reach their students ….  Read More

Top Back-to School Headphones, Online or In Person

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Another summer vacation is almost in the books, and a brand new school year is right around the corner. While we appear to be on pace for the most normal-looking school year since 2020, it’s never a bad idea to plan ahead for any curve balls or speed bumps that may come our way. For ….  Read More

Headphones are Helping Online Learning Programs Stay in Business: Here’s How

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  At the height of the pandemic, for better or for worse, all learning was online learning. Due to COVID-19 shutdowns and shelter-in-place orders, schools across the country closed their doors and students and educators had to pivot to a remote learning model. In addition to the remote education provided by school districts, a number ….  Read More

Keep Distance Learning Headsets Functioning All Year Long With These 3 Tips

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Back at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, when you bought your child a distance learning headset to help with the transition to remote school, you probably never imagined that they would need to use them for just about the entire 2020-2021 school year! Then when schools finally re-opened their doors, you were happy to ….  Read More

Can Distance Learning Headsets Be Used for Gaming?

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Parents and children alike will be happy to hear that the distance learning headsets purchased during the height of the pandemic can be used for more than just school. Thanks to a lot of shared features and similarities, these headsets can also be used to improve both the learning experience and the child’s entertainment.  By ….  Read More

Important Features of Headsets for Younger Students

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If you’re a teacher in the primary grades, you know just how important it is to keep your students focused, engaged, and interested in their lessons. Teachers across the country are incorporating multisensory, interactive learning experiences into lesson plans and report an increase in focus, comprehension, and engagement among their Pre-K-2 students. In order to ….  Read More

How Distance Learning Can Be Just as Valuable as In-Person Learning

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Now that the world is finally going back to normal after the pandemic, a lot of teachers, parents, and school boards have made the push to bring students back to the classroom. But what about those children and teenagers who got more out of online learning?  Distance learning actually works better for some. In this ….  Read More

Effective ways of school testing with the right distance learning headphones/headset

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With testing standards being so important to each child’s educational future, it’s important to make their environment as test-friendly as possible. One of the best ways to do this is by ensuring students have access to quality distance learning headsets (these headphones aren’t limited to distance learning either; the right headphones can be used in ….  Read More